SA120 Gathering Foot by Sew Tech - CLOSEOUT
This is a replacement foot designed to work identical to the original accessory. The Gathering Foot can be used for lightly gathering fabric as well as attaching the gathered edge to a flat (ungathered) fabric, at the same time quickly and easily. The gathering foot will allow the sewer to gently ease or slightly gather fabric for various garment and home decorating applications.
For Use With:
BB370, BC-1000, BM2800, CE1100PRW, CE-4000, CE5000PRW, CE5500PRW, CE7070PRW, CE8080PRW, CP6500, CP7500, CS100T, CS5055PRW, CS-6000, CS6000i, CS6000T, CS8072, CS8150, Designio DZ3000, ES2000, EX660, HE-120, HE-240, HS2000, HS2500, JX2517, LB6770, LB6770 PRW, LB6800PRW, LB6800THRD, LS1717, LS2125, LS2125i, LS30, LS590, LX2763, LX3125, LX3125E, Innov-ís 40, Project Runway Limited Edition Innov-ís 40e, Innov-ís 80, Project Runway Limited Edition Innov-ís 85e, Innov-ís 1000, Innov-ís 1500D, Innov-ís 2500D, Innov-ís 2800D, Innov-ís 4000D, Duetta® 4500D, Duetta® 2 4750D, Isodore® Innov-ís 5000, Quattro® 6000D, Quattro® 2 6700D, Quattro® 3 Trilogy Limited Edition Innov-ís 6750D, Innov-ís 900D, Innov-ís 950D, Innov-is NV990D, NX200, NX250, NX400, NX-400Q, NX450, NX450Q, Innov-ís NX570Q, NX600, NX650Q, Laura Ashley Innov-is NX800, PC-210, PC210PRW, PC2800, PC3000, PC-420, PC420PRW, PC6000, PC6500, Laura Ashley® PC660LA, PC-7000, PC-7500, PC-8200, PC-8500D, PE-300S, PE-400D, PS1000, PS1250, Pacesetter® PS21, PS-2200, PS-2300, PS-2500, Pacesetter® PS3700, QC1000, Simplicity SB170, Simplicity SB3129, Simplicity SB4138, Simplicity SB530T, Simplicity SB700T, Simplicity SB7500, SC9500, SE270D, SE350, SE400, SE425, SM2700, ULT-2001, ULT-2002D, ULT2003D, DreamCreator™XE VM5100, DreamWeaver™ XE VM6200D, DreamCreator™ VQ2400, DreamWeaver™ VQ3000, VX1435, XL2230, XL2600, XL2600i, XL2610, XL2800, XL-3022, XL-3030, XL-3100, XL-3500, XL3500T, XL3510, XL3750, XL5130, XL5232, XL5340, XL5500, XL5600, XL5700, XL6562, XM2701, XR3774, XR-40, XR4040, XR-52C, THE Dream Machine™ Innov-is XV8500D