DIME Vintage Embroidery Thread 4 - 1000m Spool Quartets - Earth Tones Collection 3
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Item # VQ-ET3
Features & Specifications
40wt retro thread
What is Vintage Embroidery? Vintage embroidery mimics the look of handwork from yesteryear. It features chunky fills and luscious satins digitized with today's technology. It is a textured approach to machine embroidery that's so fabric-friendly! Duplicate what you see in ready wear with your home machine. To achieve the look, you'll need the right thread.
Nine color families are available – stock up on these appealing sets at a savings over single-spool prices.
- Strong polyester thread
- Available in 40wt (1000 meters)
- Thread produces high definition stitches with chunky fills and luscious satins
- Use DIME Triumph size 90/14 embroidery needles
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