Westalee Design - Mini Spin-E-Fex - 3-piece Template Set - #2 (2 - 3 - 6)
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Features & Specifications
The Westalee Design Spin-e-fex Mini Templates expand the existing line by adding 2 new sizes (1½” and 2½”) in each Template! Available as a 3pc or 4pc set (Set 1 = #’s 1, 4, 5; Set 2 = #’s 2, 3, 6; Set 3 = #’s 7, 8, 9, 10; Set 4 = #’s 11, 12, 13, 15), or individually. Easy to use, great for fillers or get creative and use for adding designs to your patchwork quilts.
Spin-e-fex uses the unique Westalee Design Key System. The Key System makes it possible to stitch around the inside of a template without the need to cut the threads, to enter or exit the template and leaves no unsightly flat line when stitching past an open gate entrance.
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